4 Christians
Is being a Christian just about wearing the name, or is there more to it? Watch Mark's video today as he defines 4 types of Christians.
To become a great athlete, it's important to prioritize effectively. Today, Mark will challenge you to review all your priorities. It's easy to lose sight of the bigger picture when we focus too much on one priority. Which lane are you concentrating on?
There is a process we go through in our Christian Faith. Watch today's video as Mark explains using the "Engel Scale" from Dr. James Engel.
Is there a message behind the LifeMark logo? Watch the video and learn the meaning behind the logo.
What are you "making great again"? Remember, God can use all of us. Are you allowing God to work through you?
Today Mark is using the “texting” language for the question, Are you one? Give some thought to the question before answering.
Time is an incredibly valuable resource that always seems to slip away too quickly. How are you making the most of your time each day? Are you intrigued by your usage statistics report? Click on the video above to receive Mark's challenge for today.
Krispy Kreme: Who can resist the appeal of a fresh, piping hot Krispy Kreme donut? Watch the video to gain insights into exercising restraint in the face of temptation.
Who would you pick as the Greatest Of All Time (GOAT) spiritually speaking? Watch the video to see if you picked the same Goat.
Life coaching is a popular topic today. Mark asks if you have told your coach about the impact they have made in your life. You might be surprised to know who he asked if you have thanked.
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