Mondays with Mark - Influence


Influencers are used in so many ways. Are you aware of the influencers in your life? Which influencers do you listen to? Listen to today's devotional and reflect on your life.

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Mondays with Mark - 4 Christians


4 Christians

Is being a Christian just about wearing the name, or is there more to it? Watch Mark's video today as he defines 4 types of Christians.

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Mondays with Mark - Here I Am


How have you responded to the call of your name? Did you wait until your parent said your first, middle, and last name before you responded to their call or were you the obedient child who responded immediately? Click on the video to hear what our response should be.

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Mondays with Mark - Trees


In the Garden of Eden, there were two trees: the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Eating from the Tree of Knowledge had consequences, while the Tree of Life provided a way to have a relationship with God. Have you considered how your relationship with God grows? Do you have deep roots? You may find it helpful to listen to Mark's devotional, where he uses trees as an illustration of our relationship with God.


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Mondays with Mark - Being Different

obedience Mar 04, 2024

Being Different

How different are you from those around you? Do those around you think your speech is different? How about the way you dress? What does the Bible say about being different? Listen to this episode of Mondays with Mark to hear what Mark says about being different.

Click on the video above to watch now.

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Mondays with Mark - What do you dwell on?

obedience Feb 19, 2024

Today Mark asks What do you dwell on? 

    Have you taken an inventory of your thoughts? 

“God designed humans to observe our own thoughts, catch those that are bad, and get rid of them.”
― Caroline Leaf, Switch On Your Brain: The Key to Peak Happiness, Thinking, and Health


Click on the video above to learn more.

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Mondays with Mark - Happiness

obedience perspective Jan 29, 2023

How happy are you? Would you like to be happier? In today's episode, Mark shares five key takeaways from a TED Talk by Robert Waldinger about happiness.  Click on the video above to learn more!  Also, if you'd like to listen to the TED Talk, you can click on the link below:


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Mondays with Mark - Ministry

obedience service Sep 18, 2022

Are you doing the ministry work that God has called you to do? If not, what is holding you back? In today's episode, Mark encourages each of us to be obedient and intentional to pursue the ministry God has designed us to do for His glory and the benefit of others. To learn more, simply click on the video above!

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Mondays with Mark - Do You Love God?

god obedience service Jul 17, 2022

What does it mean to "love God"? If you claim to "love God," how do you show it? In today's episode, Mark looks at the steps we should be taking regularly in our lives if we want to demonstrate our love for God. To learn more, click on the video above!

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Mondays with Mark - Change


Do you struggle with change? Do you find yourself stuck in the past or consumed by the future? In today's episode, Mark encourages us to live in the present in order to best adapt to change. Click on the video above to learn more!

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