What thoughts occupy your mind when you aren't really thinking about anything? In today's episode, Mark gives some tips for how you can transform the way you think. He also invites you to join us in the Daily Bible Reading Program called "Power Up!" -- click here to learn more and sign up today!
This time of year, people often make plans and set resolutions for the new year. In today's episode, we are joined by a friend of the ministry, Tony Pitaniello, who encourages us to make a lasting change instead! Click on the video above to learn more and have a Happy New Year!
Unfortunately, too many Americans have been brainwashed into thinking that sinful behavior is not only "normal" but should even be celebrated! How should the church respond? How should you respond?
In today's episode, Mark looks at some practical steps believers can take to stand up and speak out in a loving and gracious way. Watch the video above to learn more!
God's creation truly is amazing! In today's episode, Mark reflects on some aspects that amaze him and encourages us to respond with humbled hearts to our Creator. Click on the video above to learn more!
As we turn our focus in this holiday season to the Son of God, it is a good time to ask yourself, "Who is Jesus?" Your answer to that question changes everything!
In today's episode, Mark shares a college assignment his granddaughter received recently and encourages each of us to answer the "Who is Jesus" question ourselves. To learn more, click on the video above!
"Top 10" lists are very popular, especially this time of year. You'll see lists for the "Top 10 presents your child wants" or the "Top 10 cookies to bake" or even the "Top 10 Christmas songs." In today's episode, Mark talks about some ideas for "Top 10" lists that aren't very popular but should be a priority in our life. Click on the video above to learn more!
We have all had special people help us navigate this journey of life, and with Thanksgiving in just a few days, what better time to acknowledge their impact than this week?
In today's episode, Mark expands on this in light of all the Lord has done in each of our lives. To learn more, click on the video above.
Have a blessed Thanksgiving!
Have you heard of a gentleman named James Harrison? He is credited with saving an estimated 2.5 million babies! Learn more about him in today's episode!
Have you been through an experience before when you didn't understand the "why" behind it? You may have asked questions such as: What was God's purpose in taking you through that trial? What good could possibly come from it? Why had He allowed it in your life? What were you supposed to learn from it?
So what do you do when you just can't understand the "why" of your difficult situation? In today's episode, Mark gives encouragement to keep moving forward in such times. Click on the video above to learn more!
In today's episode, Mark talks about the road signs we should see as we go through our spiritual journey, and he gives some "road trip tips" for the journey as well. To learn more, click on the video above!
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