Mondays with Mark - Ministry of Hope


After a difficult year, many people are running short on hope. You see it on the news and hear it on social media. You might even be experiencing a shortage of hope yourself! But as believers, our hope is secure because it's found in Jesus Christ.

Learn more in today's episode of Mondays with Mark below and be encouraged to begin your own ministry of hope this week -- what a perfect way to celebrate Thanksgiving by sharing your source of hope with others!



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Mondays with Mark - What is Worship?


When you hear the word "worship," what do you think of?  For most believers, they think of the praise music they listen to at church or in their car. But is that how the Bible describes worship? Learn more in today's episode of Mondays with Mark below!



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Mondays with Mark - Truth

bible trust truth Nov 08, 2020

America is in the midst of a huge "truth crisis" -- people don't know who they can trust. What is "truth" anymore? Can there be conflicting truths? How can we filter what we hear to discern THE truth? Mark addresses these questions and more in today's episode of Mondays with Mark below.



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Mondays with Mark - The Election

america voting Nov 01, 2020

Tomorrow is the "big day" we've all been anticipating! In a year that has been challenging to say the least, this election has had it's own unique circumstances. With that in mind, Mark shares some thoughts about the election and how we, as Christians, should respond. Learn more by watching the video below!



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Mondays with Mark - The Purpose of the Church


What are some of the reasons why you attend the church you attend? Are you growing there? What is the purpose of the church? These are some of the many questions we should be asking ourselves...are you? Learn more in today's episode of Mondays with Mark below!



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Mondays with Mark - Faith Maturity


What does it mean to be a "man of God" or "woman of God"? Learn more in today's episode of Mondays with Mark and be challenged to grow in your faith maturity!


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Mondays with Mark - The Great Commission in a Pandemic

evangelism service Oct 11, 2020

Although the Covid-19 Pandemic has brought many challenges this year, it shouldn't keep us from sending out the message of Jesus Christ to the lost!  There are no exceptions to the Great Commission -- sometimes it just takes some extra creativity! 

Learn more about this in today's episode below and be sure to watch the entire video because it includes a short promotional video about our upcoming service project designed to send the gospel message worldwide!  To learn more about the project and find out how you can get involved, click here:  LifeMark Event - Operation: Pack & Pray

Mondays with Mark 10-12-2020 The Great Commission in a Pandemic from LifeMark Ministries on Vimeo.

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Mondays with Mark - Back to normal

As time passes, more and more people are saying they are "tired" of the changes brought by Covid-19 and just want things to get "back to normal." But what does that even look like? And more specifically, what does it look like for a believer? Learn more in today's episode below!

Mondays with Mark 10-5-2020 Back to Normal from LifeMark Ministries on Vimeo.

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Mondays with Mark - How we respond to threats

The year 2020 has brought not only significant changes in our lifestyle but also a significant amount of turmoil, unrest, and even lawlessness.  So how should we as believers respond? Learn more in today's episode of Mondays with Mark below...

Mondays with Mark 9-28-2020 Our Response to Threats from LifeMark Ministries on Vimeo.

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Mondays with Mark - Smile

There are many reasons why people haven't been smiling a lot the last several months, but believers should still be demonstrating God's JOY through our countenance...are you smiling behind your mask?

Learn more in today's episode below and then watch the "I Smile" video below by Kirk Franklin for some inspiration! 

Mondays with Mark - Smile from LifeMark Ministries on Vimeo.


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