Mondays with Mark - Eye Surgery


Last week Mark challenged us to Think Differently. This week he is sharing his eye surgery experience to challenge us to See Differently. Watch the video to "see" if your eyesight is good.  

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Mondays with Mark - Moral Cancer

morality sin Nov 19, 2023

What is "moral cancer" and is there a cure? Find out more in today's episode of Mondays with Mark -- simply click on the video above!

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Mondays with Mark - What is sin?

sin Dec 12, 2022

What is sin? Does it change as culture changes? How does God define it? Learn more in today's episode of Mondays with Mark by clicking on the video above!

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Mondays with Mark - Shame

morality sin values Aug 14, 2022

As Christians, is it ever good to be ashamed? Mark considers this important question in today's episode -- simply click on the video above to learn more!

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Mondays with Mark - Your Legacy


What's your legacy? When you pass away, what will people remember about you? In light of eternity, does an earthly legacy even matter? 

In today's episode, Mark addresses these questions and more. To learn more, click on the video above! 

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Mondays with Mark - Anarchy

bible faith god sin values wisdom Mar 07, 2022

There seems to be chaos and suffering every where you turn these days, both in American and throughout the world. In today's episode, Mark considers the reasons for this and encourages us to stand for God's truth. Click on the video above to learn more.

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Mondays with Mark - Labels


Labels have become incredibly common in today's society. Sometimes they are helpful, but often times, they reveal a certain prejudice or favoritism. In today's episode, Mark considers the potential damage of labels and challenges you to identify the most important label in your life. To learn more, click on the video above!

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Mondays with Mark - Lite Church


Unfortunately, too many Americans have been brainwashed into thinking that sinful behavior is not only "normal" but should even be celebrated! How should the church respond? How should you respond?

In today's episode, Mark looks at some practical steps believers can take to stand up and speak out in a loving and gracious way. Watch the video above to learn more!

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Mondays with Mark - Coarse Talk

morality sin spiritual values Sep 26, 2021

Have you noticed the significant increase of crude language in our culture over the last several years? It's alarming! In today's episode, Mark discusses some possible causes as well as consequences.  Click on the video above to learn more!

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Mondays with Mark - A Clear Conscience


Do you have a clear conscience? If not, do you want one? ;) In today's episode, Mark talks about how believers can live with a clear conscience. Click the video above to learn more!

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