Mondays with Mark - Here I Am


How have you responded to the call of your name? Did you wait until your parent said your first, middle, and last name before you responded to their call or were you the obedient child who responded immediately? Click on the video to hear what our response should be.

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Mondays with Mark - Celebration of Life


Here at LifeMark, we reference a watermark and used that to represent what we referred to as your LifeMark. In other words, what “Mark” will be made because you lived. The choices you make on a daily basis will make up your "mark". Each choice you make will have a lasting impact on your life and your legacy. Listen as Mark talks about the most important decision we need to make this week.



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Mondays with Mark - March Madness


Do you prefer to watch team sports or individual sports? How about team sports vs partner sports?  We are all participating in a race. Are you on a team or running alone?  Write down the questions at the end of this video and think on them this week.

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Mondays with Mark - The Joy of Service

service Feb 12, 2024

Have you ever filled out a survey from a company asking about the service you received? You may have been asked if the service was good. Or did it meet your expectations.

Sometimes our expectations are too high.  What would people say about the way you serve others? Do you serve with Joy? Click on the video above to learn more.

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Mondays with Mark - Packaged Religion


It seems like everything comes in packages these days -- fast food, software bundles, and even church. Is that what God intended? Click the video above to learn more as Mark explores this topic in today's episode of Mondays with Mark.

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Mondays with Mark - Acronyms


Acronyms are a popular way to streamline communication. In today's episode, Mark suggests a new acronym and challenges believers to live with a renewed perspective. Click on the video above to learn more!

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Mondays with Mark - Name Tags

church service Sep 24, 2023

If everyone wore name tags at your church, what would yours say? Click on the video above to learn more in today's episode of Mondays with Mark.

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Mondays with Mark - Watchers


Are you a watcher, a knower, or a doer? Each step requires additional commitment, but each step also includes additional blessings. Learn more in today's episode of Mondays with Mark by clicking on the video above!

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Mondays with Mark - To the ends of the earth

holidays service Oct 09, 2022

After Jesus' resurrection and appearance to many, He gave the Great Commission to His disciples. He told them to go and make disciples of ALL nations. In Acts 1, Luke recorded Jesus' words to the disciples that they would be His witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth!

We, too, are called to be His witnesses -- in our homes, our communities, our nation, and even to the ends of the earth. We offer a way you can do just that by participating in our annual "Pack & Pray" event where we will pack shoeboxes to be delivered by Operation Christmas Child around the world!

Watch the video above to learn more then visit our website to donate and mark your calendars to join us Monday, Nov 14th for the event!  Hope to see you there!

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Mondays with Mark - Ministry

obedience service Sep 18, 2022

Are you doing the ministry work that God has called you to do? If not, what is holding you back? In today's episode, Mark encourages each of us to be obedient and intentional to pursue the ministry God has designed us to do for His glory and the benefit of others. To learn more, simply click on the video above!

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