After Jesus' resurrection and appearance to many, He gave the Great Commission to His disciples. He told them to go and make disciples of ALL nations. In Acts 1, Luke recorded Jesus' words to the disciples that they would be His witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth!
We, too, are called to be His witnesses -- in our homes, our communities, our nation, and even to the ends of the earth. We offer a way you can do just that by participating in our annual "Pack & Pray" event where we will pack shoeboxes to be delivered by Operation Christmas Child around the world!
Watch the video above to learn more then visit our website to donate and mark your calendars to join us Monday, Nov 14th for the event! Hope to see you there!
What does it mean to "pray without ceasing" -- are you literally supposed to pray 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? In today's episode, Mark considers what the Bible says about living a life of prayer. Learn more by watching the video above and be encouraged to communicate with God more frequently and intentionally.
Although our past is set, we CAN determine our future. You can become a "new you" if you want to -- learn how in today's episode by clicking on the video above!
Are you doing the ministry work that God has called you to do? If not, what is holding you back? In today's episode, Mark encourages each of us to be obedient and intentional to pursue the ministry God has designed us to do for His glory and the benefit of others. To learn more, simply click on the video above!
You hear a lot of discussion these days around "rights" in our nation, but you don't hear much about "responsibilities." Indeed, we've been blessed to be given great freedom that came at a high cost, but we have the responsibility to protect and maintain our rights. To learn more, click on the video above.
Just how crazy have things become? You may be shocked at the stories Mark shares in this week's episode. But don't stop there...allow the shock to push you to be better prepared to take a stand for God based on His Word! One great way to do that is to join us for our 26-week study on the book of Romans that begins the week of September 12th.
Click here learn more about the study and register (note, if you participated last year, you do NOT need to enroll!). Watch the video above to learn more about the crazy times in which we live!
What does it mean to be a "real" Christian? In today's episode, Mark considers four types of Christians and which one you want to be. To learn more, click on the video above!
Have you ever written down the major events in your lifetime? You might discover some interesting connections and be challenged to spend your remaining time wisely! In today's episode, Mark shares with you his "major events timeline" and how it has impacted him. Click on the video above to learn more!
As Christians, is it ever good to be ashamed? Mark considers this important question in today's episode -- simply click on the video above to learn more!
Change can be very difficult to achieve, even when it's something we want. In today's episode, Mark addresses some of the challenges we face when trying to change and gives some tips for how to achieve successful results one day at a time! To learn more, click on the video above!
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