Mondays with Mark - GPS

bible salvation truth Dec 16, 2024

In this devotional, a Friday night adventure turns into a powerful reminder of God’s guidance in our lives. Just as a GPS helps us navigate physical paths, Jesus serves as the ultimate guide for our spiritual journey. John 14:6 tells us, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”

Jesus shows us the way to live, reveals God’s truth, and offers abundant and eternal life. Through the Holy Spirit—God’s “Positioning System”—we can confidently navigate life’s twists and turns, knowing we are never truly lost.

Take a moment this week to thank God for His eternal guidance and trust in His perfect direction for your life!

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Mondays with Mark - RESPECT

bible spiritual truth Nov 25, 2024

What if your favorite songs could connect you to timeless biblical truths? Discover how Stevie Wonder, Aretha Franklin, and even secular hits can inspire you to Revere, Exalt, Serve, Praise, Emulate, Communicate, and Trust God—our ultimate R-E-S-P-E-C-T.

Through the greatest commandment in Matthew 22:37-39, learn to love God fully and love your neighbor as yourself, all while having fun linking spiritual truths to everyday music. Challenge yourself this week to find those meaningful connections and draw closer to Him in every way!

How well do you know the Bible? We should strive to understand the Word of God deeply enough to apply Biblical truths to all areas of our lives, including secular aspects.

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Mondays with Mark - The Power of Music

god spiritual truth worship Oct 17, 2021

Music has incredible influence in our lives -- potentially for good or for bad. In today's episode, Mark considers the power of music and how we can use it for good! Click on the video above to learn more.

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Mondays with Mark - The Importance of a Firm Foundation


Having a firm foundation is important in life in general, but it is critical in your spiritual life! In today's episode, Mark discusses this and considers the lyrics of the hymn, "How Firm a Foundation" (click here to listen to the hymn). To learn more, click on the image above!  

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Mondays with Mark - An Integrity Crisis


Do you struggle with watching the moral decline in our nation? Do you find yourself unable to trust those in government, the media, corporations, etc? 

If so, then you will be able to relate to Mark's concerns as he considers the root of the problems we are facing in our nation right now.  Click on the video below to learn more and be encouraged that NOTHING is impossible for the Lord!



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Mondays with Mark - Indeed

holidays jesus truth Mar 28, 2021

With the Easter holiday this week, you will likely hear the following phrase repeated regularly:  "He has risen...He has risen indeed!" 

But do you fully understand the significance of the phrase when you say it? Learn more in today's episode of Mondays with Mark below and have a very blessed Easter.



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Mondays with Mark - North Star


Are you familiar with the "North Star"? It has been used as a navigation tool for generations -- helping sailors, hikers, and anyone who is lost to find their way.

In today's episode, Mark examines Psalm 119:105-106 where David talks about a different type of "North Star" that guided his path. Learn more in the video below!



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Mondays with Mark - Truth

bible trust truth Nov 08, 2020

America is in the midst of a huge "truth crisis" -- people don't know who they can trust. What is "truth" anymore? Can there be conflicting truths? How can we filter what we hear to discern THE truth? Mark addresses these questions and more in today's episode of Mondays with Mark below.



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Mondays with Mark - Debunking Myths

Do you ever find yourself struggling to defend parts of the Bible that are sometimes questioned by others -- things like creation, the flood, and the truth of Scripture? Do you know what your children and grandchildren are being taught about these things? Can you have an educated discussion with them? 

We need to get serious about teaching the Bible as totally true. In today's episode of Mondays with Mark, be challenged to better equip yourself for these difficult discussions.  Mark also shares about a resource he found on Amazon Prime Video called "Debunking the 7 Myths" that will help. Learn more below!

Mondays with Mark - Debunking Myths from LifeMark Ministries on Vimeo.

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Mondays with Mark - A Solid Foundation

bible study faith god truth Jul 12, 2020

You have probably either known someone who has walked away from his or her faith in God or read about someone who has. It's terribly tragic, and even more-so when the person is influential.

In today's episode, Mark considers why this sometimes happens and how we can strengthen our faith so that when storms strike, we are anchored deeply.

Mondays with Mark 7-13-2020 Solid Foundation from LifeMark Ministries on Vimeo.

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