Mondays with Mark - Temptation Habit

holy spirit hope temptation Oct 28, 2024

We all fall into routines and are tempted by things that pull us away from what's best for us—whether it's indulging in unhealthy habits or giving in to fleeting desires. Just like Adam and Eve, temptation is everywhere, but thanks to the Holy Spirit, we have a way out!

1 Corinthians 10:13 reminds us that God will provide the strength to resist temptation, guiding us to build better habits and avoid bad ones. Lean on the Spirit today and watch how He helps you break free!

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Mondays with Mark - The Goat


Who would you pick as the Greatest Of All Time (GOAT) spiritually speaking? Watch the video to see if you picked the same Goat.

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Mondays with Mark - The Coach


Life coaching is a popular topic today. Mark asks if you have told your coach about the impact they have made in your life. You might be surprised to know who he asked if you have thanked.

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Mondays with Mark - Prayer Starters #2


Mark continues this week with another four prayer starters. If you would like the two-page document Mark mentioned, please email [email protected].

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Mondays with Mark - Prayer Starters #1

bible holy spirit prayer Jul 01, 2024

I've noticed that as my parents got older, they would often repeat the same stories. In my head, I found myself telling the stories along with them. This made me reflect on my own prayers. Do I repeat my prayers? In this video, Mark offers four different ways to pray. I'm going to try at least one new way this week.

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Mondays with Mark - A Perfect Game


Can you have a perfect game and still lose?  Can you live a perfect life?   Listen as Mark share how you can have a near perfect life.

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Mondays with Mark - Eye Surgery


Last week Mark challenged us to Think Differently. This week he is sharing his eye surgery experience to challenge us to See Differently. Watch the video to "see" if your eyesight is good.  

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Mondays with Mark - God's Way


How do you know when you are on God's path for your life? Click the video above to learn more in today's episode of Mondays with Mark.

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Mondays with Mark - Religious or Spiritual


Have you ever heard someone describe themselves as "religious" or "spiritual" -- what did they mean? What is the difference? Click the video above to learn more in today's episode of Mondays with Mark.

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Mondays with Mark - Phone-a-Friend

holy spirit wisdom Jun 25, 2023

Build your "phone-a-friend" list before you need it! Click the video above to learn more in today's episode.

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