Mondays with Mark - Favoritism


Favoritism was an issue in Biblical times as addressed by James in chapter two of his letter. Unfortunately, it is a big issue in today's culture as well. But what can we do to change that? Learn more in today's episode of Mondays with Mark below!



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Mondays with Mark - Choices


We have a lot of choices in our country, but that doesn't mean they are all good choices.  In today's episode, Mark challenges each of us to choose wisely! Click below to learn more...



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Mondays with Mark - An Inheritance or a Legacy?


When your time on earth has ended, will you have left an inheritance or a legacy? Learn more in today's episode below!



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Mondays with Mark - An Integrity Crisis


Do you struggle with watching the moral decline in our nation? Do you find yourself unable to trust those in government, the media, corporations, etc? 

If so, then you will be able to relate to Mark's concerns as he considers the root of the problems we are facing in our nation right now.  Click on the video below to learn more and be encouraged that NOTHING is impossible for the Lord!



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Mondays with Mark - All You Need Is Love


"Love" is a word that is often casually spoken and even misused.  We "love" our family, but we also "love" ice cream -- obviously not the same meaning. What is love and why does it matter? 

In today's episode, Mark looks at the famous song "All You Need Is Love" and considers what we REALLY learn more, watch the video below!


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Mondays with Mark - How BIG is your God?

faith god Apr 04, 2021

As you begin a new week with Easter fresh on your mind, consider the question, "How BIG is your God?" Learn more in the episode below!



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Mondays with Mark - Indeed

holidays jesus truth Mar 28, 2021

With the Easter holiday this week, you will likely hear the following phrase repeated regularly:  "He has risen...He has risen indeed!" 

But do you fully understand the significance of the phrase when you say it? Learn more in today's episode of Mondays with Mark below and have a very blessed Easter.



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Mondays with Mark - Anything but Casual


Even as our society has grown more and more casual over time, there's one thing we simply cannot afford to be casual about...Mark explains more in today's episode of Mondays with Mark below!



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Mondays with Mark - 2021 Restart


Do you find yourself in need of a "restart" this year?  Perhaps you need to re-evaluate your goals or consider setting new ones -- it's not too late to make 2021 your best year ever!  Watch the video below to learn more and then click here to download the worksheet Mark mentions to help you get a "jump start" on your restart!



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Mondays with Mark - Salvation Math


How long would it take to reach the world with the gospel if each believer told just ONE person who then told one person, and so on?  You might be surprised!  

Learn more in today's episodes of Mondays with Mark and be inspired to share the gospel with those around you this week!



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