In today's episode, Mark talks about the road signs we should see as we go through our spiritual journey, and he gives some "road trip tips" for the journey as well. To learn more, click on the video above!
Have you ever heard someone say that the Christian life should be easy because God WANTS to give you an ideal marriage, good kids, a great job, financial riches, etc.? Some people think that when you follow Jesus, you shouldn't have any more difficulties.
While it IS true that God enjoys giving good gifts to His children, we still live in a fallen, sinful world so sometimes we have to FIGHT to keep those good gifts.
In today's episode, Mark talks about how the nation of Israel had to FIGHT for the good gifts that God gave and what we can learn from their experience. What good gift do YOU need to fight for?
Mondays with Mark - April 2 - Fighting For God's Good Gifts from LifeMark Ministries on Vimeo.
Did you know that the Bible tells us that it was God's will to "crush" Jesus? That may surprise you -- in today's episode, Mark explains this and connects it to our own seasons of pain and suffering.
Mondays with Mark - March 26 - Easter from LifeMark Ministries on Vimeo.
What does the return of Jesus have in common with the Chicago Cubs fans? Find out in today's episode of Mondays with Mark!
Mondays with Mark - Cubs Super Celebration from LifeMark Ministries on Vimeo.
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