Memorizing God's Word is such an important thing to do. As the Psalmist said, "I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you" (Psalm 119:11, NIV).
Sometimes we memorize a verse but don't realize we're only memorizing a portion of it. In today's episode, Mark considers one such verse and what we can learn from the lesser-known portion. Click on the video below to learn more!
There have been a lot of things this past year that were beyond our control -- you can probably name several without even really thinking about it!
But one thing we CAN control is where we place our focus.
In today's episode, Mark considers how our perspective affects our attitude and how we can choose where we focus in 2021. Click the video below to learn more!
You've probably heard the term "compound interest" -- it's when you reinvest the interest you earn, thus compounding your return. The term is frequently used in the financial world, but there are actually other applications of the concept as well.
In today's episode, Mark considers a different type of compound interest -- one that truly COUNTS! Click on the video below to learn more!
Christmas is almost here! Do you have a favorite Christmas memory? Or perhaps a favorite gift? In today's episode, Mark shares a childhood story about a very special Christmas and encourages us to focus on the greatest GIFT ever given -- Jesus! Click on the video below to learn more!
Have a very blessed Christmas!
Were you blessed in 2020? It's an interesting question to ask yourself...and then to consider your answer.
On Thanksgiving Day, Mark and Marty did their annual "Blessing Jar" tradition, but this year, they noticed something unusual. Learn more in today's episode below and then consider your blessings in 2020 -- praise Him for them!
Do you have a role model you aspire to emulate? In today's episode of Mondays with Mark, Mark considers this question and shares about one of his role models. Learn more by watching the video below!
Have you ever met someone whose love for the Lord and love for life was contagious? ...the type of person who smiles ALL the time? About a year ago, Mark and Marty met a man named Terrance who fit that description perfectly. Learn more in today's episode of Mondays with Mark below.
After a difficult year, many people are running short on hope. You see it on the news and hear it on social media. You might even be experiencing a shortage of hope yourself! But as believers, our hope is secure because it's found in Jesus Christ.
Learn more in today's episode of Mondays with Mark below and be encouraged to begin your own ministry of hope this week -- what a perfect way to celebrate Thanksgiving by sharing your source of hope with others!
When you hear the word "worship," what do you think of? For most believers, they think of the praise music they listen to at church or in their car. But is that how the Bible describes worship? Learn more in today's episode of Mondays with Mark below!
America is in the midst of a huge "truth crisis" -- people don't know who they can trust. What is "truth" anymore? Can there be conflicting truths? How can we filter what we hear to discern THE truth? Mark addresses these questions and more in today's episode of Mondays with Mark below.
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