In the Garden of Eden, there were two trees: the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Eating from the Tree of Knowledge had consequences, while the Tree of Life provided a way to have a relationship with God. Have you considered how your relationship with God grows? Do you have deep roots? You may find it helpful to listen to Mark's devotional, where he uses trees as an illustration of our relationship with God.
Did you know that Bible study can be serious fun? Learn how in today's episode by clicking on the video above.
It is hard to live God's way if you don't know God's Word. Click on the video above to learn some ways to establish a daily Bible reading plan.
Acronyms are a popular way to streamline communication. In today's episode, Mark suggests a new acronym and challenges believers to live with a renewed perspective. Click on the video above to learn more!
Do you know the peak age for learning a new language? How about the peak age for salary earnings? Or the ability to focus? Or vocabulary? To learn more, click on the video above!
Are you a watcher, a knower, or a doer? Each step requires additional commitment, but each step also includes additional blessings. Learn more in today's episode of Mondays with Mark by clicking on the video above!
Sometimes you hear someone say something in ignorance but you know they "meant well" so you just overlook it. Is it enough to just be well-meaning when you can be more? Click the video above to learn more!
Do you struggle with change? Do you find yourself stuck in the past or consumed by the future? In today's episode, Mark encourages us to live in the present in order to best adapt to change. Click on the video above to learn more!
What thoughts occupy your mind when you aren't really thinking about anything? In today's episode, Mark gives some tips for how you can transform the way you think. He also invites you to join us in the Daily Bible Reading Program called "Power Up!" -- click here to learn more and sign up today!
This time of year, people often make plans and set resolutions for the new year. In today's episode, we are joined by a friend of the ministry, Tony Pitaniello, who encourages us to make a lasting change instead! Click on the video above to learn more and have a Happy New Year!
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