Mondays with Mark - Everyone Believes

faith salvation Dec 11, 2024

This devotional challenges us to reflect on what we place our faith in. A recent study revealed that over 50% of incoming college freshmen identified as having no religious affiliation, a statistic that is both concerning and an opportunity to share the gospel with the next generation.

The question, "What do you believe in?" is at the heart of life’s decisions. Whether it's belief in money, fame, power, or even in oneself, these earthly pursuits cannot provide the true security and guidance we need. True faith, according to the Bible, must be in God and His Word. Acts 3:16 reminds us, "By faith in the name of Jesus... it is Jesus' name and the faith that comes through him."

Belief and faith are essential, as they are mentioned hundreds of times in the Bible. The question for us all is: who or what are we truly placing our faith in? The answer, rooted in scripture, is to place your trust fully in Jesus Christ, for He is the only one who can provide strength, purpose, and...

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Mondays with Mark - Full Gospel

evangelism faith salvation Nov 04, 2024

When asked, “What is the Gospel?” we often simplify it to God’s love, but the Gospel is much more! John 3:16 captures the essence, but it also implies the critical truths: Jesus, God's Son, came to save us, taught boldly, died for our sins, was resurrected, and will return to judge and reign.

The Gospel isn’t just a prayer—it’s a rich, all-encompassing gift of grace that requires full belief and obedience to Christ’s teachings. Let’s share the complete Gospel and understand the depth of God’s incredible love this week!

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Mondays with Mark - Summer Olympics

discipline faith priorities Sep 09, 2024

Summer Olympics

To become a great athlete, it's important to prioritize effectively. Today, Mark will challenge you to review all your priorities. It's easy to lose sight of the bigger picture when we focus too much on one priority. Which lane are you concentrating on?

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Mondays with Mark - A Perfect Game


Can you have a perfect game and still lose?  Can you live a perfect life?   Listen as Mark share how you can have a near perfect life.

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Mondays with Mark - Good News


When the service man says he has good news and bad news. Which one do you like to hear first? Mark gives us some bad news and some really bad news today. Stick with Mark to the end for the best news ever.

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Mondays with Mark - I Don't Care

faith jesus wisdom Apr 15, 2024

I Don't Care

Recently, people have become increasingly divided, leading to fractured relationships. Despite this, Mark appears indifferent or so the title may suggest. Listen to learn why Mark may not care.

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Mondays with Mark - Are You Ready?


Mark is big on being prepared. It's easier to react to a situation when you have done work in advance to prepare yourself. What do you need to be prepared for? Why do you need to be ready? Click on the video above to learn more.

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Mondays with Mark - Trees


In the Garden of Eden, there were two trees: the Tree of Life and the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Eating from the Tree of Knowledge had consequences, while the Tree of Life provided a way to have a relationship with God. Have you considered how your relationship with God grows? Do you have deep roots? You may find it helpful to listen to Mark's devotional, where he uses trees as an illustration of our relationship with God.


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Mondays with Mark - Up and Comer

encouragement faith grace Sep 18, 2023

Everyone likes to cheer for the "up and comer" -- did you know that God is cheering for you, too? Learn more in today's episode of Mondays with Mark by clicking on the video above!

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Mondays with Mark - A Perfect Game

faith jesus purpose Jul 24, 2023

Did you catch the "perfect game" pitched recently by Domingo German? Click on the video above to watch today's episode of Mondays with Mark and discover what we can learn from this rare accomplishment. 

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