Ananias and Sapphira’s story in Acts 5 reminds us of the dangers of unnecessary lies—whether it’s exaggeration, twisting the truth, or outright dishonesty. Jesus taught us to let our “Yes” be yes and our “No” be no (Matthew 5:37), so let’s pray for the Spirit’s help to speak truth in love every time. Start today, and experience the freedom and peace that comes with honesty—have a great week!
We all fall into routines and are tempted by things that pull us away from what's best for us—whether it's indulging in unhealthy habits or giving in to fleeting desires. Just like Adam and Eve, temptation is everywhere, but thanks to the Holy Spirit, we have a way out!
1 Corinthians 10:13 reminds us that God will provide the strength to resist temptation, guiding us to build better habits and avoid bad ones. Lean on the Spirit today and watch how He helps you break free!
Krispy Kreme: Who can resist the appeal of a fresh, piping hot Krispy Kreme donut? Watch the video to gain insights into exercising restraint in the face of temptation.
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