About LifeMark

Curious about who we are and what we believe? 

Our History

For the first 15 years, Next Step met on Monday evenings in one location.  A few years ago, we de-centralized the study to meet on various days of the week, at different times of the day, in a variety of locations.  

Each week, there's a lesson to prepare (traditionally it takes 1-3 hours of preparation each week) before you meet with your small group where you will review your answers and learn from one another.  In addition, you can expect to receive weekly emails from Mark with 5-7 minute video clips that reinforce that week's lesson.

Next Step Bible Study is not a church or a substitute, nor is it affiliated with any specific denomination.  We seek to provide another avenue for people to grow and then serve Christ wherever He directs, desiring to strengthen the church body by deepening the walks of individual believers.  Next Step is a ministry of LifeMark Ministries.


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